Finding Your Passion Point In Nature

The first step to regeneratively living is connecting to the part in nature you are most passionate about.

The ocean offers so much beauty and is an everflowing source of inspiration, but more importantly it’s the heart of the planet that anchors the entire ecosystem and makes the world spin round. It feeds billions of people, produces over half of the world's oxygen we need to breathe, it holds 50 times more CO2 than our atmosphere, and works to hold the excess global heat that continues to build…that’s just a start. 

Whether you are living near the coast or inland, our ecosystem is interlaced. Take a moment to think about what part of nature you admire most. Use this month to focus on strengthening that connection. Make time for it, nurture it, or connect with others who advocate for it. It may be starting an herb garden, picking up trash along your walking path, volunteering at a nature center, or even simply buying from a local farm. 

As a first step to keeping our friendship with the ocean mutual, Coventina is partnering with the Gumbo Limbo Coastal Stewards in Boca Raton, FL by sharing a portion of all contributions granted to Coventina with the Stewards. We want to support their sea turtle rescue and rehabilitation efforts. Additionally, we’ll be donating our time as a volunteer.

So What’s Your Natural Connection?

Coventina's goal is to set the bar high, to do our part individually and as a community. The starting point is establishing or reestablishing a connection with what you are most passionate about in the natural environment. What’s yours?


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