Why Being Sensitive is Empowering
Sometimes a quality that people may view as a weakness can really be one of our greatest strengths. Mine’s sensitivity. Being sensitive beautifully shapes the way I view the word and meaningfully interact, but it took me time to realize that.
“Sensitive” used to be a touchy word for me. “You’re too sensitive,” or “don’t be so sensitive” were common refrains I heard growing up. “You need thicker skin” was another one. As a little girl, I cried easily. I was hyper-aware of tension and disagreements within my family and friendships. I came to see my sensitivity as negative, annoying, and weak.
The negative connotation associated with being sensitive is not limited to my experience. Sensitivity is often used as an argument against women at work, in leadership, and in our society in general. If we feel, we’re considered weak; nothing could be further from the truth. Energetic sensitivity is an asset, a blessing, and, in truth, our birthright as human beings. We are more than our physical bodies; we also exist as energy bodies. Energy anatomy has been understood and taught in the lineages of yoga, Chinese medicine, and many other traditions for thousands of years.
Our modern culture, and modern science, are catching up. We have “high energy” and “low energy” days. We pick up on “good vibes” or “bad vibes” (vibrations) from people and places. There have been many scientific investigations and books published about the human energy field.
I’ve learned that many of my emotional challenges were not due to my sensitivity, but because I hadn’t learned to manage my energy. I was like a home with all the windows and doors left open - allowing lots of external energy in, without knowing how to discharge my own field. As I learn to balance my energy, I become empowered, developing deeper trust in what I feel - my intuition - every day.
We now experience a near constant influx of energy. It comes from our phones, our computers, social media, our friendships, our families. Energy is flowing through our fields all the time, invisible to us, yet most definitely present.
Simultaneously, our collective awareness of the human energy field is blossoming. We understand and appreciate our interconnection with each other and our environment. We can practice tuning into our own fields to clear and reset our energy. When we balance and restore ourselves, the effect ripples out into the collective field, transmitting the signal of health and harmony to all.
I like to refer to this as sparkling my field. Our energy fields, or auras, are made of vibrant colorful light, vibrating so fast that we can’t see it with our physical eyes. When we clear, reset, and balance our energy, we return our fields to their natural sparkling vibrancy.
As we go through life, we’ll no doubt continue to see, hear, watch, consume, and interact with the world in ways that both enhance and deplete our energy. Let’s remember that we are more than just physical bodies and to keep ourselves energetically sparkling.